TheĀ compressionĀ of the sciatic nerve causesĀ lowĀ backĀ painĀ and radiatingĀ painĀ down theĀ leg,Ā lowerĀ legĀ and/orĀ feet.Ā The most well-known cause for radiatingĀ painĀ in theĀ legĀ isĀ from a disc herniation, but in someĀ casesĀ itĀ originateĀ from elsewhere.Ā ForĀ example, theĀ nerveĀ can beĀ injuredĀ or irritated by increased pressure from the surrounding muscles.

Sciatica Treatment in Hilversum
When pain occurs in the leg, there does not always have to be something wrong with your leg. In fact, more often the complaints come from another region of the body, such as the hip joint or the low back. Sciatica is a name for complaints resulting from compression or damage to the sciatic nerve. If there is pressure on the nerve (for various reasons), this often causes local complaints, but also radiating pain to the leg.
MoveWell can help these complaints! We see approximately 100 patients per week with similar sciatica complaints.
Symptoms of Sciatica
Causes of Sciatica
Sciatica canĀ includeĀ severalĀ causes.Ā OverloadĀ of the lower backĀ musclesĀ and/or glutealĀ muscleĀ remainĀ the primary cause.Ā Overuse of theĀ muscle(s)Ā canĀ irritate and eventually block the sciatica nerve.Ā LackĀ ofĀ movementĀ or prolonged periods ofĀ sittingĀ canĀ also cause the surroundingĀ musclesĀ to cramp and this mayĀ aggravateĀ theĀ symptoms.Ā OveruseĀ canĀ beĀ causedĀ byĀ activitiesĀ like heavy lifting orĀ sittingĀ with an incorrect posture over an extended period ofĀ time.
What is the sciatic nerve?
TheĀ spinal columnĀ isĀ a complex kinematic chain andĀ consistsĀ of 24 movable vertebrae.Ā TheĀ nervesĀ ariseĀ from theĀ brainĀ along theĀ spinal cordĀ andĀ branchĀ out between the vertebrae to theĀ restĀ of theĀ body.Ā TheĀ sciatic nerveĀ arisesĀ from theĀ lowerĀ end ofĀ spinal cord, runs underneath the glutealĀ muscleĀ to the hind leg, through the calfĀ muscleĀ to theĀ foot.Ā ThisĀ makesĀ theĀ sciatic nerveĀ the longestĀ nerveĀ in theĀ body.Ā When thisĀ nerveĀ is irritated, it will radiateĀ painĀ into theĀ legĀ and sometimes theĀ footĀ andĀ toes.
What does the treatment entail?
The recovery phase of aĀ complaint, could be negatively impacted by ongoing muscle spasm.Ā The chiropractor applies treatment techniques thatĀ improvesĀ joint range ofĀ motionĀ andĀ blood flow.Ā OverallĀ improvement of muscle strength, results in better stabilization of theĀ body.Ā