RSI treatment in Hilversum

RSI is short for repetitive strain injury and it presents weekly within the private practice.Ā As theĀ nameĀ describes;Ā it’sĀ dueĀ to repetitive loading on theĀ bodyĀ (part).Ā RSI complaints can beĀ treatedĀ by chiropractic care.Ā However, theĀ treatmentĀ isĀ not the sole focus toĀ resolve RSI, it’s just as important to lookĀ at preventative care.Ā PreventionĀ includesĀ avoiding aggravating activities,Ā followingĀ a strengthening program and applyingĀ posturalĀ advice.

How does RSI develop?

RSIĀ originatesĀ fromĀ repeatingĀ the same activity over aĀ periodĀ ofĀ time that mightĀ lead toĀ physicalĀ complaints.Ā Currently,Ā newĀ terminology isĀ used, namely CANSĀ (Complaints of the Arm, Neck and Shoulder), but for explanatory purposes, we will refer to RSI.Ā 

ExampleĀ of RSI:Ā TheĀ useĀ of a computer mouse is in itself light effort.Ā However, you continuously use theĀ sameĀ muscle andĀ jointĀ on theĀ sameĀ arm to manoeuvre theĀ mouseĀ around.Ā These structures then become overloaded and present as RSI.

MusclesĀ andĀ softĀ tissues are dependent onĀ nutrientsĀ for optimal functioning.Ā InĀ supportĀ of optimal functioning, they should also be capable to get rid of waste products.Ā IfĀ irritationĀ or soft tissue damageĀ persistsĀ from aĀ repetitiveĀ movement, it willĀ resultĀ inĀ injury.Ā Because of theĀ injury, the local blood flow slows down andĀ result in even more irritation.Ā Ultimately, theseĀ micro-injuriesĀ togetherĀ forms theĀ complaint.Ā AtĀ thisĀ stage, any slight movement will be painfulĀ dueĀ toĀ the overload mechanism ofĀ thisĀ injury.Ā 

What are typical RSI symptoms and complaints?

RSI/CANS complaints build up gradually.Ā TheyĀ canĀ ariseĀ in yourĀ shoulders,Ā neckĀ andĀ upperĀ back,Ā handsĀ andĀ arms.Ā TheseĀ complaintsĀ are often experienced as tingling, cold feeling,Ā painĀ and/or stiffness.Ā Typical RSI/CANS complaintsĀ are:

ā€¢Ā Golfer‘sĀ elbow

ā€¢Ā Tennis elbow

ā€¢Ā Postural complaints fromĀ workingĀ on aĀ computer

ā€¢Ā Gamer’sĀ thumb/and other finger complaints

ā€¢Ā Neck and middle back pain

What does chiropractic treatment for RSI look like?

The chiropractor willĀ determineĀ what triggers the RSI.Ā TriggeringĀ factorsĀ could typically include incorrectĀ posture and work space and yourĀ dailyĀ activities.Ā The core focusĀ isĀ toĀ adjustĀ the ergonomics of your work space,Ā adviseĀ you onĀ posturalĀ correction andĀ giveĀ you strengthening exercises.

The chiropractic treatmentĀ focusesĀ onĀ muscle relaxation andĀ improving joint mobility.Ā This is achieved with the use of mobilizing techniques that increase blood circulation in the muscle and allow optimal joint movement.Ā 

Our RSI Specialists

Jarco Schol


Niels van der Meulen

Manual therapist

Desiree Griesel


RSI treatment in Hilversum

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