TheĀ skullĀ isĀ theĀ protectorĀ of the sensitive organ in ourĀ head:Ā theĀ brain.Ā TheĀ musclesĀ of theĀ neckĀ and back ensures theĀ mobilityĀ of theĀ head.Ā TheĀ neckĀ musclesĀ attachĀ to theĀ neckĀ andĀ backĀ of theĀ skull, to initiated movement of theĀ head.

Headache Treatment in Hilversum
Head and Neck Anatomy
Symptoms of a Headache
Practically everybody hasĀ experiencedĀ a nagging headache.Ā SometimesĀ itĀ presentsĀ on oneĀ sideĀ of theĀ forehead, or behind theĀ eyes.Ā ItĀ can also present as a constant or intermittent pain.Ā ThatĀ isĀ whyĀ itĀ is critical toĀ establishĀ theĀ causeĀ of yourĀ headache.Ā ChiropracticĀ MoveWellĀ willĀ examineĀ yourĀ complaintsĀ thoroughly andĀ adviseĀ you on theĀ possibilitiesĀ ofĀ treatment.
What is a Migraine?
MigraineĀ headacheĀ hasĀ a vascular component and frequently occurs between theĀ agesĀ of 15 to 55.Ā In 78% ofĀ migraineĀ cases, thereĀ areĀ a family history and genetic link withĀ migraines.Ā MigrainesĀ can beĀ triggeredĀ by multiple factors likeĀ hormones,Ā foodĀ (red wine,Ā chocolate),Ā fatigue,Ā stress,Ā medicationĀ and distinct odors.Ā One-fifth ofĀ peopleĀ with aĀ migraineĀ sufferĀ from anĀ auraĀ inĀ additionĀ to aĀ headache.Ā AnĀ auraĀ isĀ pre-migraineĀ warning sign.Ā The visualĀ auraĀ appearsĀ as aĀ flash, a flicker or as zigzag glitter andĀ blemishes.Ā AnotherĀ formĀ canĀ beĀ a tingling sensation in theĀ armsĀ or face or having difficulty in speaking.
Typical Headaches Complaints

It has been hypothesised thatĀ migraineĀ headaches areĀ causedĀ by theĀ dilationĀ of theĀ blood vesselsĀ in theĀ brain, that thenĀ sends pain signals to the brainstem.Ā MigrainesĀ presentĀ on oneĀ sideĀ of theĀ faceĀ around theĀ eyeĀ and/orĀ templeĀ and is frequently described as a throbbing pain.Ā When aĀ migraineĀ hasĀ reachedĀ aĀ peak,Ā theĀ patientĀ could be sensitive toĀ stimuli such as touch, light and sound.
ManyĀ factorsĀ canĀ leadĀ to aĀ migraineĀ attack, therefore it is important to pinpoint theĀ causeĀ toĀ preventĀ aĀ migraine.Ā RestrictionsĀ in the cervical spine mayĀ leadĀ toĀ tensionĀ andĀ triggerĀ aĀ migraine.Ā TheĀ causeĀ of aĀ migraineĀ can beĀ identifiedĀ byĀ takingĀ lifestyleĀ and movements patterns intoĀ consideration.Ā This may also reduce theĀ numberĀ of theĀ migraineĀ attacks.Ā
Tension Headache

TensionĀ headachesĀ remainĀ the mostĀ commonĀ type ofĀ headache.Ā It’s described as a constant nagging pain that frequently extends from the neck to both sides of the head or around the forehead.Ā SecondaryĀ symptoms mayĀ includeĀ nausea, shoulder stiffnessĀ andĀ sensitivityĀ to sound andĀ light. These headaches may last from an hourĀ toĀ days and are usually caused by poorĀ posture, stress,Ā fatigueĀ andĀ dehydration.
The chiropractor mayĀ utilizeĀ aĀ 3-PhaseĀ treatment plan toĀ restoreĀ neck mobility andĀ reduceĀ tension, to finally alleviate the headache.Ā

Dit is eigenlijk geen hoofdpijn, maar een pijn in het gezicht. Deze wordt meestal veroorzaakt door een beschadigde zenuw. In sommige gevallen kan de aangezichtspijn voortkomen uit ātrigger pointsā die zich in de spieren in en rondom het gezicht bevinden. Dit noemen we atypische aangezichtspijn. Deze trigger points kunnen pijn naar een andere plek sturen. Hierdoor lijkt het dat de pijn vanuit je gezicht komt, maar kan hij dus ook vanuit de kaakspieren, nekspieren of spieren op het hoofd komen.
De chiropractor doet altijd een gedegen onderzoek naar de oorzaak van deze soort klachten en kijkt of deze behandeld kunnen worden of doorverwezen moet worden.