DiscopathyĀ is aĀ termĀ usedĀ toĀ describeĀ theĀ processĀ ofĀ degenerationĀ ofĀ intervertebral discs, which mayĀ leadĀ toĀ discĀ disease.Ā TheseĀ discsĀ areĀ locatedĀ between the vertebrae of theĀ spineĀ and are therefore calledĀ intervertebral discs.Ā TheĀ intervertebral discĀ acts as a shock absorber and additionallyĀ allows manyĀ movementsĀ in theĀ spine.Ā TheĀ intervertebralĀ discĀ hasĀ a strong ligamentous exterior and a softer gel-likeĀ interior.Ā The soft interiorĀ (nucleus)Ā presses against the ligamentous exterior and withĀ too muchĀ pressure,Ā smallĀ tears canĀ developĀ in the external ligaments.Ā WeĀ call this process, discĀ diseaseĀ or degenerativeĀ discĀ disease.
Disc problem treatment in Hilversum
Is disc disease painful?
TheĀ smallĀ tears in the intervertebral disc mightĀ resultĀ inĀ pain, butĀ this canĀ easily be resolvedĀ with strengthening exercises and chiropractic treatment.Ā On the other hand, it’sĀ alsoĀ possible toĀ haveĀ damageĀ to the intervertebral disc without anyĀ symptoms.Ā
Where does disc disease occur?
Disc diseaseĀ mainlyĀ occurs in theĀ spineĀ where theĀ highestĀ loads areĀ carried.Ā Due toĀ theĀ curvaturesĀ of theĀ spine, theĀ loadsĀ areĀ dissipatedĀ into theĀ lowerĀ curves.Ā DiscopathyĀ complaintsĀ therefore often occurĀ lowĀ in theĀ neckĀ and in theĀ lowerĀ back.
At what age does disc disease occur?
DiscĀ diseaseĀ isĀ theĀ agingĀ process of anĀ intervertebral disc.Ā This mayĀ startĀ at aĀ youngĀ age.Ā From theĀ ageĀ of 30, the fluid content in theĀ intervertebral discĀ is so high that itĀ canĀ exertĀ aĀ lotĀ ofĀ pressureĀ on the outer shell of theĀ intervertebral disc.Ā SmallĀ cracksĀ canĀ formĀ due toĀ thisĀ highĀ pressure.
As you getĀ older, theseĀ cracksĀ canĀ increaseĀ andĀ leadĀ toĀ complaints.Ā Disc disease complaints are therefore more common the older youĀ get.
Is disc disease a herniation?
No,Ā discĀ diseaseĀ is different from anĀ intervertebral discĀ herniation.Ā DiscopathyĀ isĀ anotherĀ name for minor damage to the intervertebral disc.Ā SmallĀ tears in the outer layer of theĀ discĀ canĀ increase, and thisĀ canĀ resultĀ inĀ discĀ disease.Ā DiscĀ diseaseĀ is thereforeĀ considerablyĀ easier toĀ treatĀ than aĀ discĀ herniation.Ā OurĀ teamĀ canĀ effectively treatĀ complaintsĀ as aĀ resultĀ of aĀ discĀ disease.Ā
MoveWell approach for disc disease

To alleviate theĀ symptomsĀ ofĀ disc disease, the chiropractor first examinesĀ theĀ spine.Ā TheĀ siteĀ of theĀ disc diseaseĀ usuallyĀ presents with restricted movement.Ā The chiropractor willĀ relieveĀ theĀ tensionĀ andĀ improveĀ the movement patternsĀ with theĀ useĀ ofĀ trigger point therapy andĀ mobilization techniques.Ā OurĀ treatment tables are highly advanced, and thisĀ offersĀ us theĀ opportunityĀ toĀ helpĀ alleviate theĀ painĀ with multiple techniques.

Physiotherapists canĀ alsoĀ treatĀ disc disease.Ā TheyĀ doĀ this by theĀ useĀ of light muscle relaxation and mobilization techniques.Ā InĀ additionĀ toĀ reliefĀ theĀ pressureĀ on theĀ discĀ and stabilise the joint segments,Ā strengthening exercises areĀ advised.Ā Ā
Chiropractic and physiotherapy treatments can beĀ combinedĀ toĀ accelerateĀ results.
Back rehabilitation and exercise
As discussed on this page,Ā discĀ disease complaints are theĀ resultĀ ofĀ too muchĀ pressureĀ on theĀ intervertebral discĀ that canĀ resultĀ in small tears of theĀ disc.Ā Too muchĀ pressureĀ isĀ oftenĀ dueĀ toĀ incorrect movement of the spine.Ā ThisĀ includesĀ badĀ posture,Ā incorrectĀ lifting techniques andĀ incorrectĀ sleeping positions. The exercise therapist will analyseĀ yourĀ complaintsĀ andĀ giveĀ you the appropriate advice and exercises.Ā TheĀ backĀ rehabilitation programĀ specificallyĀ targetsĀ the smaller stabilising muscles of theĀ backĀ andĀ core.Ā