A bulge of an intervertebral disc in the back or neck is also called a hernia or Hernia Nuclei Pulposi (HNP). This bulge can press against a nerve. Hernias are most common in the lower back and low in the neck.
What we treat
A chiropractor, like a physiotherapist, is an expert in the field of the musculoskeletal system. At MoveWell, chiropractors, physiotherapists and other disciplines work as one team to tackle your complaint. Thanks to the many types of specialists working at MoveWell, we can give you the treatment you need and help you on your way to a good recovery.
Complaints and conditions we often see in the practice: What we treat

When pain occurs in the leg, there does not always have to be something wrong with your leg. In fact, more often the complaints come from another region of the body, such as the hip joint or the low back. Sciatica is a name for complaints resulting from compression or damage to the sciatic nerve. If there is pressure on the nerve (for various reasons), this often causes local complaints, but also radiating pain to the leg.
Acute back pain

Acute back pain is a typical common form of back pain that comes on suddenly. This complaint is also described as if it had been shot in the back. It is quickly seen as an acute muscle cramp. Chiropractic care can have immediate effects.
Headache and migraine

About 3.5 million Dutch people suffer from extremely painful headaches that do not go away easily and can sometimes last for days. This has a major impact on the quality of life and can therefore be considered a huge obstacle. Many attempts have often been made to combat the headache. Medication, rest and therapy are common remedies to combat headaches.
RSI complaints

RSI is a common problem. Many repetitive strains can cause complaints and that is exactly what the translation of RSI is: repetitive strain injury. RSI complaints are often treated by the chiropractor at MoveWell chiropractic. However, chiropractic treatment is not only important, but also looking at how these RSI complaints can be prevented, such as avoiding stimulating activities as well as performing exercises and posture advice.

Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease. Joints are continuously subjected to heavy loads, which can ultimately result in an injury. This involves gradual breakdown of the cartilage and changes in the bone surface or growth of protrusions on the bone. Please read more about osteoarthritis below.

Stenosis can be a cause of back problems. Spinal stenosis is also called canal stenosis. The nerves run through the spinal canal. The nerves can become compressed and this can result in complaints.

Disc issues or injuries are often referred to as discopathies. A discopathy is a frequently occurring injury, resulting from persistent strain on the spine, causing the intervertebral disc to deteriorate. Common signs are pain and rigidity in the spinal area.

Scoliosis is a misalignment of the spine. The vertebral bowl has grown crooked. Scoliosis can be very mild and cause no complaints, but it can also have a greater curvature, which can cause complaints.

Changes in hormone levels, increase in body weight and changes in the mobility of the pelvis and/or spine. These are changes that are often associated with pregnancy. Due to the increasing size of the abdomen, the position of the pelvis changes and a hollow lower back develops.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is a collective name for conditions in which the vascular nerve bundle in the shoulder becomes compressed. The vascular nerve bundle is a collection of blood vessels and nerves that runs from the neck and chest cavity to the arm. The nerve becomes pinched in the shoulder area, which means that the nerve can no longer transmit signals as well. At the same time, the flow in the blood vessels is disrupted. This causes shoulder pain that radiates to the arm or hand and sometimes even to the neck and back of the head. TOS is also called shoulder girdle syndrome or neurovascular compression syndrome.

Whiplash is a rapid, unexpected movement of the head without colliding with anything. In a very short moment, the cervical spine is extremely stretched and bent backwards. This movement, which is often the result of a car accident, is called whiplash. The complaints that result from this are very diverse. Symptoms can arise acutely, but also only after a few days, months or even years.
MoveWell Hilversum
Het is onze missie om u goed te laten bewegen zonder klachten. Move well, feel better!