Stenosis Treatment in Hilversum

StenosisĀ couldĀ be one of manyĀ reasonsĀ for back pain.Ā SpinalĀ stenosisĀ is also calledĀ canalĀ stenosis.Ā The spinalĀ nervesĀ exit through aĀ canalĀ formed by two vertebrae.Ā When theĀ spaceĀ in thisĀ canalĀ gets more confined, it could put pressure on theĀ nerveĀ and result inĀ complaints.Ā 

MoveWellĀ couldĀ helpĀ you to alleviate theĀ pressureĀ on theĀ nerveĀ and therefore decrease yourĀ pain.Ā 

Lumbar Stenosis | Lower Back

If there is a narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower back, we call this lumbar stenosis or lumbar canal stenosis. This often causes pain in the lower back and/or leg(s).


Cervical Stenosis | Neck

Narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck is called cervical stenosis. Complaints are especially noticeable in the neck and/or arm(s) and/or leg(s).

Types of Stenosis

TheĀ locationĀ of theĀ stenosisĀ willĀ predictĀ theĀ locationĀ of theĀ symptoms.Ā The narrowing of the spinal column isĀ calledĀ centralĀ stenosisĀ orĀ centralĀ canalĀ stenosis.Ā If the narrowingĀ isĀ on theĀ sideĀ of theĀ spineĀ where theĀ nerveĀ exits theĀ canal, then weĀ callĀ it lateral recessĀ stenosisĀ orĀ foraminalĀ stenosis.

Causes of Stenosis

Skeletal Aging

chiropractor Hilversum MoveWell

Stenosis is commonly a result of an aging musculoskeletal system.Ā Osteoarthritis is one of the mostĀ commonĀ causes ofĀ stenosis.Ā The smallerĀ jointsĀ formedĀ by the vertebrae, the facetĀ joints,Ā undergoesĀ degenerationĀ and becomes thicker.Ā ThisĀ processĀ of osteoarthritis can severely narrow theĀ canal.

TheĀ boneĀ and cartilageĀ change inĀ densityĀ andĀ pushes outwards and thereby narrows theĀ canal.Ā TheĀ ligamentsĀ that encapsulates the vertebrae can also thicken andĀ leadĀ toĀ stenosis.


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OsteoporosisĀ isĀ theĀ decrease/lossĀ ofĀ boneĀ density an occursĀ mainlyĀ inĀ peopleĀ over theĀ ageĀ of 50.Ā OsteoporosisĀ weakensĀ theĀ boneĀ and increases the risk ofĀ fractures.Ā When a vertebrae collapses due to decreasedĀ boneĀ density it increases the risk ofĀ fracturesĀ and this couldĀ leadĀ to canal stenosis.Ā 

Disc Herniation

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AĀ discĀ herniationĀ isĀ theĀ protrusionĀ or bulging of theĀ nucleusĀ of theĀ intervertebral disc.Ā If thisĀ protrusionĀ is severe, it can narrowĀ spaceĀ in theĀ canalĀ and lead toĀ canalĀ stenosis.Ā 

Symptoms of Stenosis

TheĀ symptomsĀ are the result of pressure build up against theĀ nerve.Ā SymptomsĀ are noticeable at theĀ levelĀ of theĀ stenosis, forĀ exampleĀ in the lower back orĀ neck.Ā 

It isĀ alsoĀ possible forĀ symptomsĀ to radiate.Ā This is also a result ofĀ pressureĀ that built up against theĀ nerve.Ā TheĀ symptomsĀ areĀ feltĀ along the nerve path, that could radiate down theĀ armĀ (s)Ā orĀ legĀ (s).Ā SymptomsĀ includeĀ pain, stiffness,Ā pinsĀ andĀ needlesĀ or tingling,Ā numbnessĀ andĀ weakness.Ā 

Is it possible to treat stenosis?

AtĀ MoveWell, weĀ treatĀ manyĀ patientsĀ withĀ complaintsĀ thatĀ resultsĀ fromĀ stenosis.Our back rehabilitation and training programmesĀ areĀ alsoĀ an effective treatment method.Ā 

If you haveĀ hadĀ an MRI, x-ray or other diagnostic measuresĀ done, it isĀ advisedĀ toĀ bringĀ theĀ resultsĀ thereofĀ to you initialĀ consult.Ā ThisĀ helps toĀ determineĀ the treatment plan and theĀ prognosisĀ of theĀ condition.Ā 

DegenerationĀ and osteoporosisĀ cannotĀ beĀ undone.Ā But theĀ consequencesĀ of theseĀ complaintsĀ canĀ be properly addressed.Ā TreatmentĀ canĀ be extremely successful inĀ reducingĀ symptomsĀ such asĀ pain!

Stenosis Specialists

Jarco Schol


Desiree Griesel


Sten Hofstad


Stenosis Treatment in Hilversum

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