A shockwave deviceĀ focusesĀ targeted sound impulses at a painful spot in or aroundĀ aĀ muscle,Ā tendonĀ orĀ joint.Ā Sound wavesĀ containĀ energy, which travel deep into theĀ bodyĀ and interstitial fluid.Ā ThisĀ startsĀ theĀ processĀ ofĀ metabolismĀ and blood circulation, with theĀ goalĀ of repairing the injured tissue.
Looking for Shockwave therapy?
ShockwaveĀ formsĀ partĀ ofĀ the most recent innovation in the therapeutic world and is now being used as a gold standard for manyĀ complaints.Ā MoveWellĀ hasĀ two of the latestĀ shockwaveĀ devices inĀ practice.
What is shockwave therapy?
How often do I need a shockwave treatment?
It’sĀ difficultĀ toĀ determineĀ the exact number ofĀ treatmentsĀ necessary because yourĀ treatmentĀ plan typically depends on the specific type of tissue injury.Ā ForĀ example;Ā a heel spurĀ hasĀ a different recovery time than tennis elbow.Ā OnĀ average, itĀ takesĀ 4-5Ā treatmentsĀ toĀ noticeĀ anĀ improvement.Ā AĀ singleĀ treatmentĀ requiresĀ five to tenĀ minutesĀ to be effective.
Indications for Shockwave?
Shockwave therapy is a scientifically proven for:
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
- Shoulder complaints
- Tendonitis, with or without calcification,
- Inflammed bursa’s
- Knee complaints: mostly tendon related
- Hip complaints: tendonitis / bursitis
- Achilles tendonitis or other achilles injuries
- Heel spurs and foot complaints
- Back and neck complaints: muscular origin
Types of Shockwave

ThereĀ areĀ twoĀ typesĀ ofĀ ShockwaveĀ devices.Ā RadialĀ ShockwaveĀ and FocalĀ Shockwave.Ā AtĀ MoveWell, weĀ utilizeĀ bothĀ devicesĀ inĀ practice.Ā TheyĀ areĀ the most innovative devices available today.Ā Focal shockwave transmits a targeted sound impulse to a specific spot on the tissue injury.Ā YourĀ therapistĀ willĀ determineĀ whichĀ formĀ of therapy best suits yourĀ complaint.
Radial Shockwave

Radial shockwave isĀ most commonly used in all practices.Ā It reaches more superficially than focal shockwave, butĀ stillĀ hasĀ highĀ intensity.Ā AtĀ MoveWellĀ weĀ useĀ theĀ EndopulsĀ 811.
Focal Shockwave

FocalĀ shockwaveĀ releases more waves into deeper structures than a radialĀ shockwave.Ā InĀ addition, theĀ nameĀ says it all;Ā it is more precise and targeted than the radialĀ shockwaveĀ therapy.Ā To guaranteeĀ precision,Ā ultrasoundĀ isĀ usedĀ toĀ locateĀ theĀ depthĀ and exact location of theĀ injury,Ā thereafterĀ shockwave isĀ applied.Ā UltrasoundĀ couldĀ alsoĀ beĀ usedĀ during treatment plan toĀ determineĀ tissue healing andĀ improvement.Ā The focal shockwave device, weĀ useĀ atĀ MoveWellĀ isĀ theĀ PiezowaveĀ 2.