Physiotherapy helps you toĀ restoreĀ mobilityĀ when your movement patterns are interruptedĀ due toĀ muscle spasm orĀ injury.Ā AnĀ injuryĀ couldĀ leadĀ to limited range ofĀ motion, and thisĀ isĀ anĀ indicationĀ that youĀ needĀ to make an appointment with a physiotherapist.Ā A treatment plan is essential toĀ ensureĀ a safe and healthy exercise routine.Ā TheĀ goalsĀ of treatment plan areĀ basedĀ on yourĀ complaintĀ andĀ lifestyle.
IfĀ youĀ experienceĀ musculoskeletal complaints,Ā youĀ canĀ contactĀ a physiotherapist.Ā YouĀ do notĀ needĀ aĀ referralĀ from your GP toĀ haveĀ in practice treatment.Ā IfĀ youĀ delayĀ seeingĀ a physiotherapist, yourĀ complaintsĀ couldĀ worsenĀ and thisĀ leadsĀ to an extended treatment plan and prolonged healing phase.