If youĀ haveĀ musculoskeletal complaints, it isĀ advisedĀ to make an appointment with a physiotherapist.Ā The type of treatment will be determined by yourĀ complaint and may include muscle relaxation techniques and exercises to improve function and reduce your symptoms.Ā
What we offer at MoveWell
Pediatric Physiotherapy

Complaints in adults and minors differ greatly.Ā A pediatric physiotherapistĀ isĀ aĀ specialistĀ inĀ treatingĀ childrenĀ up to theĀ ageĀ of 18Ā years.Ā We have specialized pediatricĀ physiotherapistĀ atĀ MoveWell.Ā
Physiotherapy at home

Physiotherapy is notĀ onlyĀ possible in ourĀ practice, but alsoĀ atĀ home.Ā It may be necessary to getĀ treatedĀ atĀ homeĀ due to yourĀ physicalĀ condition or because you are post-operational.Ā However, this isĀ onlyĀ possible with aĀ referralĀ from your general practitioner orĀ specialist.
Dry Needling

Do you haveĀ increasedĀ muscle tension or trigger points?Ā Or general stiffness?Ā Dry Needling is a new treatment method that is becoming increasingly popular due to recent scientific studies that publish good results.

TheĀ scopeĀ of physiotherapy hasĀ changedĀ over the previous couple ofĀ years.Ā Physiotherapists can now specialise inĀ ultrasound.Ā TheĀ useĀ of diagnostic ultrasound is substantial toĀ establishĀ the accurate diagnosis andĀ prognosisĀ and,Ā subsequently, the appropriate treatment plan.

Shockwave therapy hasĀ becomeĀ an integral part of physiotherapy.Ā MoveWellĀ hasĀ the latest and most advanced devices in-house.Ā These twoĀ devicesĀ are respectively theĀ focusedĀ and the radial shockwave.Ā Inflamed tendons, muscle injuries and bursitis may benefitĀ greatlyĀ from shockwave therapy.
Back rehabilitation

We areĀ proudĀ toĀ announceĀ thatĀ MoveWellĀ hasĀ one of the most specializedĀ backĀ rehabilitation devices.Ā During your initial consultation, your chiropractor and/or physiotherapist willĀ doĀ a physical examination andĀ basedĀ on theĀ results,Ā createĀ a tailor-made treatment plan for you.Ā In the case of back complaints, it will be determined if you are eligible for and may benefit from back rehabilitation.
Back education

Adequately understandingĀ theĀ causeĀ of theĀ complaintĀ is essential for optimal recovery.Ā Our back rehabilitation programs helps you toĀ achieveĀ thisĀ desired result.Ā Good posture, learning toĀ move, control and stabilize yourĀ spineĀ areĀ theĀ mainĀ goalĀ of thisĀ therapy.
Medical fitness

MoveWellĀ isĀ a spacious practice of 800 m2.Ā ItĀ containsĀ a large medical fitness area.Ā AĀ greatĀ percentage ofĀ patientsĀ come here forĀ rehabilitation.Ā If yourĀ rehabilitationĀ or treatment plan haveĀ ended, but youĀ wishĀ toĀ continueĀ with your exercise program, you can make use our medical fitness area.