Chiropractic originated in America. Until now, this university degree can only be studied abroad. On this page, we offer you more background information about the chiropractic profession.
Looking for chiropractic in Hilversum?
A chiropractor treats patients from all ages, young and old. Chiropractors treat a wide variety of complaints from back and neck complaints to headaches and wrist complaints. On this page you will find a more detailed explanation about chiropractic and the various treatment options in our practice.
Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic is diverse and uses many different techniques. Every patient and every complaint is unique, therefore each treatment plan will be unique to each patient. On this page, the most common techniques and treatments at MoveWell are explained in more detail.
Chiropractic for Babies

Chiropractors treat patients of all ages. We welcome babies from birth. Chiropractic is a safe and effective treatment for children due to adapted examination and treatment technique’s.
Decompression Therapy

You’ve probably heard of traction or decompression… But what exactly does this mean? MoveWell offers decompression therapy. Do you suffer from chronic pain and have tried all sorts of different therapies without long-term success? Then decompression therapy can be a solution for you. Our unique decompression table also offers relief for acute complaints. On this page, we offer you more information about decompression therapy.
Manual therapy

Next to our chiropractic services we offer you manual therapy. A manual therapist can assist you with complaints related to the entire musculoskeletal system, particularly back issues. We address back problems with a targeted approach, individual attention, and preventive advice. It is a safe and effective treatment method that can help alleviate pain and improve the movement of the back.
3 Phase Treatment Plan

At MoveWell we treat complaints related to the musculoskeletal system. A complaint is always examined on the basis of movement, posture and strength/conditioning. If all 3 aspects function optimally, this will result in an optimal recovery. The goal of the three-phase treatment plan, is not only to reduce your complaints, but also to ensure that they do not return to the same capacity or intensity than before.