Sten Hofstad
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Wie is Sten Hofstad?
Sten Hofstad comes from a family where his parents both work in healthcare. The choice for chiropractic was therefore quite easy to make. Sten Hofstad successfully completed his five-year university course in England in 2007. Full of enthusiasm, Sten Hofstad started working in Almere and Amsterdam at Rodermans chiropractic for the next eight years.
After his period in Amsterdam, Sten Hofstad set up the MoveWell practice in the Dudokpark Medical Center in Hilversum. In addition to chiropractic, MoveWell also offers physiotherapy, rehabilitation and fitness. In recent years, Sten Hofstad has regularly collaborated with concert organizer Mojo. MoveWell regularly forms the treatment team for the artists and crew.
‘The chiropractic profession is very satisfying, because I know what a chiropractor can do for someone.’ In practice, many different complaints occur from lower back to neck, from wrist to toe complaints. The causes also vary enormously from posture-related causes (slouching on the couch to a poor computer posture) to work-related causes (heavy physical work or non-moving desk work). ‘The challenge is always to alleviate a complaint and trace the cause.’ His most important requirement for a quick and good recovery of his patients can now be shaped in the MoveWell practice, with the latest gadgets in chiropractic, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.