FromĀ birth, aĀ childĀ hasĀ to develop itself inĀ numerousĀ areas.Ā MostĀ childrenĀ developĀ withĀ normalĀ motorĀ development, but in someĀ childrenĀ there might be delayed or abnormalĀ development.Ā This can beĀ dueĀ to aĀ disorderĀ of theĀ senses,Ā organs,Ā nervous system,Ā postureĀ and musculoskeletalĀ system.Ā As aĀ result,Ā childrenĀ can lack motorĀ developmentĀ and experience.
TheseĀ childrenĀ needĀ guidanceĀ toĀ masterĀ certainĀ skills.Ā A pediatricĀ physiotherapistĀ playsĀ anĀ importantĀ role in guiding thisĀ development.Ā TheĀ functionĀ of theĀ physiotherapistĀ isĀ characterizedĀ by a development-related and age-appropriate approach andĀ guidanceĀ of theĀ childĀ and theĀ parents.Ā The pediatricĀ physiotherapistĀ works in a child-friendly environment with playful materials.Ā The treatments vary widely, and theĀ treatment plans are unique.Ā The pediatric physiotherapist works at theĀ practiceĀ anĀ ifĀ needed, couldĀ alsoĀ doĀ home-basedĀ treatments.Ā For moreĀ informationĀ about ourĀ children’s physiotherapy,Ā visitĀ